A Non-Surgical Solution for Chronic Back and Neck Pain
If you suffer from chronic back and neck pain you may be a candidate for non-surgical spinal decompression Are you ready to explore options other than spinal surgery? Not ready for surgical procedures that end up known as failed back syndrome...
Would Therapeutic Medical Massage be Beneficial for Me?
While massage therapy will not benefit every condition, when performed by a highly skilled licensed massage therapist, there are definitely many it can. We live in a very stressful world these days, and it is no secret that the past couple years haven’t helped...
A Program that Helps you Lose Weight for Good
Do these statements below ring a bell when considering when to start your diet and weight loss journey? "Oh no! I have another party/traveling for work/ dinner date, I can’t start a diet now!" "I have a happy hour with friends." "It’s my Birthday/Anniversary!"...
15 Chemicals to Avoid
1. Progestins: synthetic hormones found in some birth controls (1) 2. Styrene: an ingredient in many plastic and foam products (1) 3. BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene): are closely related synthetic antioxidants used as preservatives in...
Heart Health Month and Your Skin
FEBRUARY is known as Heart Health month. Nothing is more important than maintaining a healthy heart. It all begins with a healthy lifestyle. Healthy Eating Drinking plenty of water Maintaining weight Exercise Stress reduction Not only are all the above healthy for...
Acupuncture for Infertility and Stress Reduction at BackBone Wellness Center
What does acupuncture have to do with fertility? In a very simplistic explanation, acupuncture is based on energy pathways called meridians. These main 12 energy meridians (named after organs they travel through or nearby) take turns controlling the...
Frequently Asked Questions about Ideal Protein
Here are a few of the top questions asked about the Ideal Protein program. 1. Can Vegetarians or Vegans Follow the Ideal Protein? Vegetarians can follow the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol and can consume eggs, fish (if Pescatarian), or tofu during their evening...
Ideal Protein Helped Me Win The Weight Loss Battle
Battling my weight has been a recurring struggle for me, especially after each child. I do believe that I’m beautiful at any size but being 5’1″ and 215 lbs became too much for me. My body fat percentage was dangerously high and I could barely walk up a flight of...
Dog Days of Summer
The "dog days of summer" are officially upon us! Ever wonder where that phrase came from? Here's what I found on The original post was made July 10, 2010 and later reposted in 2015. What’s the Origin of the Dog Days? July 6, 2015 by: 56...
A New Year, A New You!
2016 HAS ARRIVED! Are you one of many who have resolved to lose weight, drink less, spend more time with the kids, start volunteering or work with a charitable organization? All great aspirations, unfortunately they're usually short-lived. What about a new goal...
Is Relief from Chronic Back and Neck Pain Possible?
“I have neck and upper back pain that seems to be getting worse. Sometimes the pain even goes down my arms and into my elbows, but I haven't done anything!” I am hearing this complaint and many very similar to it more frequently these days. The reality is that...
5 Questions about the Ideal Protein Program
Here are 5 of the 10 most frequently asked questions about the Ideal Protein Program. 1. How Long Does Ideal Protein Phase 1 Last? This totally depends on your weight loss goals. Phase 1 is meant to be followed until you reach 100% of your weight loss goal. The Ideal...
Foundational Nutrition
A strong foundation in nutrition supports every cell, structure and function in a naturally perfect way and is the key to maintaining health, wellness and longevity. A Nutrition class at Harvard was assigned the task of designing a diet with great variety and high...
Benefits of Vitamin A
Are you aware of all the forms of Vitamin A? There are 3 prescription strength retinoids on the market today: Tretinoin - Retin-A, Atralin, Avita, Retin-A Micro and Renova Tazarotene - Avage and Tazorac Adapelene - Differin Some of you have probably used one or two...
Eat, Drink and Be Merry!
The holidays are upon us and that means parties gallore! That also means richer foods, desserts, fabulous chocolates and more than likely, lot's of alcohol. How in the world are you supposed to enjoy all these marvelous treats and holiday drinks without the...